
Stabilising operating environments and temperature for optimal asset performance

Our passion for insulation drives us to develop, design and install tailor-made solutions for industrial applications. With a deep understanding of the nuances of insulation, from thermal and cryogenic to acoustic, KAEFER in the Middle East excels in providing expert services. Our expertise spans a wide range of sectors, from refineries and power stations to food processing and offshore platforms, ensuring we meet our clients’ ambitious goals.
Our proprietary products, innovative solutions and customer focus protect, maintain and ensure the integrity, performance and function of our customers’ assets.


Thermal & cryogenic insulation

Our passion for insulation drives us to develop, design and install tailor-made solutions for industrial applications. With a deep understanding of the nuances of insulation, from thermal and cryogenic to acoustic, KAEFER in the Middle East excels in providing expert services. Our expertise spans a wide range of sectors, from refineries and power stations to food processing and offshore platforms, ensuring we meet our clients’ ambitious goals.
Our proprietary products, innovative solutions and customer focus protect, maintain and ensure the integrity, performance and function of our customers’ assets.

Thermal Insulation

Ther­mo­dy­namic cal­cu­la­tions and di­men­sion­ing with our own pro­grammes as well as ded­ic­ated fi­nite ele­ment meth­od­o­logy

Static and dy­namic load cal­cu­la­tions

Di­men­sion­ing of in­su­la­tion sys­tems con­sid­er­ing eco­lo­gical and eco­nomic factors

De­vel­op­ment of high-tem­per­at­ure and cryo­genic in­su­la­tion con­cepts

Plan­ning and ex­ecut­ing func­tional tests for com­plex in­su­la­tion sys­tems in our own labor­at­or­ies

Design­ing in­su­la­tion sys­tems in 3D CAD pro­grams

Qual­i­fy­ing ma­ter­i­als and sys­tems

Cryogenic Insulation

Pipe and gas plant in­su­la­tion, high dens­ity pipe sup­ports

Fluid hand­ling solu­tions, cryo­genic en­ergy stor­age

On- and off-line re­pair ser­vices for cryo­genic tanks and pipe­work

Ad­vanced Pre-In­su­la­tion Sys­tems in our mo­bile work­shops for cryo­genic lines

En­gin­eer­ing and design, re­search and pro­cess de­vel­op­ment

Class ap­provals, product cer­ti­fic­a­tions and ac­cred­it­a­tions

Ma­ter­ial sup­ply, foam block pro­duc­tion and ma­chin­ing

Fab­ric­a­tion of sand­wich / hy­brid in­su­la­tion pan­els

In­stall­a­tion and ad­vis­ory ser­vice

Take a look at our LNG Solutions Center